Podcast-making training for school kids with PIE


Podcast-making training for school kids with PIE

MIC absolutely loves working with educational specialist social enterprise Pursuing Individual Excellence. Or PIE as their known to their pals. Together we’re bringing podcast-making training and skills to the young people of Greater Manchester

PIE are all about equality in education and ensuring that students from all backgrounds are future-ready. They aim to bridge the gap for students to be able to reach their full potential – whatever they want that potential to be. Here at MIC, we’re well on board with that mission and that’s why we love them so much.

4 kids in school uniform stand smiling in front of a microphone. A woman stands behind them and smiles
Some of the superstar podcast kids

With funding secured by PIE, we’ve hosted lots of podcast-making training with them. Including online ‘podcast challenges’ delivered over lockdown one, in-school podcast masterclasses, and most recently a 6-week ‘podcast mission’ for a group of kids in Stockport. In just 12 hours the team went from zero podcast knowledge to producing two podcast episodes about their community. Listen below!

PIE – This Our Stockport

Listen to PIE – This Our Stockport on Spotify. Are you 12-16 and from Stockport? We’ve made this podcast for you! We share the stuff that’s going on so that you can learn more and take part in things in your town of Stockport. It’s made by young Stopfordians for young Stopfordians!

πŸ‘† Listen to the This is our Stockport podcast hereπŸ‘†

As part of the podcast training MIC,

– Designs and delivers bespoke podcast making training
– Designs content especially with young people in mind
– Offers in-person or online delivery
– Delivery staff hold up-to-date DBS certification

Looking for podcast training for your members, team or group? Contact MIC here, let’s have a chat about your podcast workshop wants and ideas!

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